Christopher Myrick
CO Representative, WRAC Board ChairInstitution / Organization: | Colorado State University |
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Dr. Christopher Myrick is a highly respected professor of fish biology at Colorado State University's Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. As a fish physiological ecologist, he is dedicated to using fish physiology to address practical management concerns surrounding the culture, management, and conservation of freshwater fish populations. In the CSU Fish Physiological Ecology Lab, Dr. Myrick leads students in research on a diverse range of topics including refining culture techniques for species such as Burbot, Rainbow Trout, and Cutthroat Trout, and assessing fish passage structures with a combination of field-based and laboratory techniques. Additionally committed to enhancing fisheries biology education through high-impact approaches, Dr. Myrick has had a long-standing association with the Western Regional Aquaculture Center (WRAC) since 2000. Dr. Myrick is also an esteemed Past-President of the Physiology Section of the American Fisheries Society.
Applied fish physiological ecology; culture of endangered fishes; fish passage and barrier design & evaluation
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