Characterization of aquaculture in the western U.S.


Aquaculture in the western region has a rich heritage, with farms that date back more than a century. This region’s aquaculture operations include a wide variety of warmwater and coldwater species that are raised in diverse production systems in both saltwater and freshwater. Nevertheless, aquaculture is as poorly understood by many individuals in the western region as it is in the rest of the country. Myths and inaccurate information abound and have led to overly burdensome regulatory programs, adverse policies, and a lack of adequate social license to support a rate of growth commensurate with the resources and skill sets available. There is a strong need to provide ready access to accurate, science-based information on aquaculture in the western region in a non-technical format. 


The overall goal of this project is to collect and assemble information on western aquaculture and to distill it into attractive and easily accessible digital media forms. Specific objectives include:

Objective 1. To collect additional farm-level information from segments such as those that supply live and recreational markets for which adequate information is not yet available.

Objective 2. To develop a supply and value chain analysis of western region aquaculture and quantify and compare the relative contributions to employment, economic value added, and economic output (including direct, indirect, and induced effects).

Sub-objective 2a: To identify, map, and compare and contrast supply chains for western region aquaculture.

Sub-objective 2b: To compare and contrast the economic values of the relative contributions to employment, economic value added, and economic output (including direct, indirect, and induced effects) of the supply chains identified.

Objective 3. To develop a web-based virtual library of science-based materials that collectively present a comprehensive and cohesive picture of aquaculture practices and impacts in the western region in an attractive, non-technical, and easily accessible format.

Sub-objective 3: To increase awareness of US aquaculture production and markets to consumers, policy makers, and general public in Western US

Project Summary

Duration: 2 years
Funded Date: 09/01/2021
Funding level: $237,218
  • Role: PI
  • Role: Outreach coordinator
Location: Alaska – AK, Arizona – AZ, California - CA, Colorado - CO, Idaho - ID, Montana - MT, Nevada - NV, New Mexico – NM, Oregon - OR, Utah - UT, Washington - WA, Wyoming – WY, non-WRAC states
Topics: Economics, Status of aquaculture

University of Washington
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Box 355020, Seattle, WA 98195
1122 NE Boat St, Seattle, WA 98105


Grants and Funding
