Conte, AQUARIUS: Shellfish sanitation simulator, rainfall and water quality closure rule evaluator, version 2.0


This proposal outlines the next phase of development for Aquarius Version 2.0, an innovative software tool dedicated to evaluating proposed changes in regulatory measures for shellfish sanitation, particularly those induced by rainfall. Ideal for State and Federal health service agencies and players in the commercial shellfish industry, Aquarius aims to enhance understanding around how potential alterations in rainfall closure regulations impact conditionally approved shellfish cultivation areas, capitalizing on valuable rainfall and fecal coliform data curated by regulatory bodies. This project builds upon the foundation of Aquarius Version 1.0, crafted in a collaborative endeavor involving UC Davis, the California Department of Health Services, and representatives from the California shellfish industry. 


  1. Incorporate twelve new features including a new design that increases its power of analysis through expanded simulation and additional statistical components that increase the program’s capability in assisting human health related decisions.  
  2. Include input from CDHS, state, federal, and industry representatives from California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Canada who make up membership of the Pacific Rim Shellfish Sanitation Conference (PacRim). 

Project Summary


University of Washington
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Box 355020, Seattle, WA 98195
1122 NE Boat St, Seattle, WA 98105


Grants and Funding
