Graham Young

Executive Director, Western Regional Aquaculture Center
Institution / Organization: University of Washington, Seattle

Since 2004, Dr. Graham Young has been advancing the field of aquaculture as the Executive Director of WRAC and a professor at our host institution, the University of Washington's School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences. Buoyed by a strong education from the University of Sheffield, UK, and faculty experience in world-renowned institutions such as the National Institute for Basic Biology in Japan, the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Otago in New Zealand, he lays a foundation based on academic expertise and international perspective. A distinguished scholar in fisheries endocrinology and reproduction, Dr. Young applies his knowledge to enhance fish culture practices and mitigate reproductive disorders in farmed fish. His leadership guides a collaborative NSF-funded study on puberty onset regulation in salmonids; he is also pioneering initiatives for sablefish culturing with NOAA's Manchester Field Station and the Jamestown S’Klallam tribe. Dr. Young's commitment to developing WRAC’s aquaculture support strategy, which caters to regional commercial sectors while also fostering transdisciplinary collaborations is what he finds most rewarding about his work at WRAC. Beyond his professional scope, Dr. Young's hobbies include boating and fly fishing, paired with a love for music, travel, and treasured time spent with family in New Zealand.


Fish reproductive physiology and endocrinology

    No publications are available at this time.


University of Washington
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

Box 355020, Seattle, WA 98195
1122 NE Boat St, Seattle, WA 98105


Grants and Funding